Hi, we get some suggestions in “Did you mean” section" that indicates Swedish and not Norwegian.
Is there any language settings available?
Hi Peder, I will run this by the Knowledge Console experts and get their response. Thanks!
Hi Peder, the subject expert says: There is no configuration that directly controls the behavior of the suggestions.
When you are seeing suggestions in Swedish while expecting Norwegian, or vice versa, are those for search strings or are those article names? If it’s search strings, that could mean that users are searching in the wrong language often enough for that to be reflected in the suggestions. If it’s articles, it could just mean they haven’t updated the article names for the other language(s). Could you share some screen shots of what you are seeing?
Hi, its not a big issue with the language and so on in “Did you mean”.
Maybe you have a tip in another issue, big one
If you search with one word you get xx articles.
If you search with two words you get a lot more articles than the first word.
Is it a way to search and find articles which only contains both words?
Hi Peder, are you talking about search in the self-service knowledge base (portal)?
Hi Shalini, yes. The search filed in top of knowledge base.
Thanks, Peder.
I got the expert’s response:
We have enhanced the search behavior to show articles having both words at the top of search results. User can get results having both words by passing search term in double quotes. The only issue with this approach is it does exact match so if article content has both terms but they are separated with any other word, then it won’t appear in search results.
Article A1 contains this phrase – read write
Article A2 contains this phrase – read carefully and then write
Article A3 contains only – read
If your search term is read write – results are articles A1,A2 A3.
If your search term is “read write” – result has only A2.