AssistGPT enable disable for an individual author

Can I turn off assistGPT feature for an individual author? As a system admin, I do not want to see the assistGPT icon unless we approve use of it for authors.

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Turning off AssistGPT at the user level is not available with the current version and is part of the roadmap. However, we can control AssistGPT at the department level.

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Can you provide details on where we can do this? Screenshot of setting will be a help.

To do this you will need to be logged into the administration console of your system as a PA level user.

Contrary to what was stated above, at this point in time you are only able to activate/disable at a partition level.

It can be done by navigating to: Partition>Apps>AI Services

In this screen there is a toggle control to switch AssistGPT and/or Instant Answers both on and off.

While Enabling and Disabling the AssistGPT function is only available at the Partition level, at the Department level, you can make all the Prompts “Inactive”, so they are not usable by anyone. When there are no prompts available, the AssistGPT button does not appear.
Therefore, you can control AssistGPT at the Department Level.

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