Enhancing Your Dashboard Building Strategy

Building dashboards is a fun yet challenging experience. If you want to up your dashboard-building game, you have come to the right place. Before executing any plan, it is imperative to build a strategy on how you would approach it, and this article will help you do exactly that. You will learn about the things that you need to keep in mind before you bring your dashboard to life.

Before you start building your dashboard in the Analytics Console, you must set the agenda and plan it out.

Set the Context - Who, What & How?

Every dashboard should be built after answering the following questions:

Who is the Audience?

We cannot envision something without knowing who will consume our data. It is important to cater to the needs of the audience and mold your dashboards accordingly. For instance, your company has introduced eGain’s new AI capabilities – “Instant Answers” & “AssistGPT” to your agents & authors, and you wish to map out how well they received these services. So, you now know that the audiences of this dashboard are the supervisors and knowledge managers who wish to gauge the impact of introducing these AI capabilities. Your focus now shifts to building two separate dashboards for the agent supervisors and the knowledge managers. This narrows down the target audience and allows you to focus solely on them.

What Information Are You Trying to Relay?

Dashboards help you to visualize the data in a simple form thereby making it more palatable to the consumers. Once you have selected your target audience and have an idea on the type of dashboard you want to build, you need to figure out the kind of information that you need to display that will allow our audience to understand the trend. Continuing our previous example, you can think of questions and reports that would answer these questions. To effectively understand how have the authors or agents been using AsisstGPT, for instance, you can think of the following questions: How effectively are authors/agents using prompts?, Which prompts have the highest regeneration/usage rates?, and Which agents/authors are using AssistGPT the most? Now, think of the reports and metrics that can be used to answer these questions.

How are You Going to Get Your Point Across?

Once you have the answer to the “What” part, you can now start envisioning how to display all this information on your dashboard. You can think of which gadgets to use, what kind of charts you would use for specific information and the layout of the gadgets. To show how effectively the authors/agents are using the prompts, you can use a combination chart. You can add the most important gadget to the top left as most users tend to read from left to right and top to bottom. You can also select the color scheme that you would use to ensure that the data is depicted articulately.

Knowing the answers to these three questions will make building your dashboard much easier. These are the important first steps you need to take. Now that you understand who will use your dashboard, what information you want to show, and what tools you’ll use, you can start building it.

Whether you’re a beginner or an expert at building dashboards, we’ve got you covered! Explore the following easy-to-follow courses on Building Dashboards at eGain University: All About Gadgets & Dashboards & Building Advanced Dashboards. If you’re new to this, our courses will help you get started. And if you’re already a pro, share your tips with us! Let us know if you found our suggestions helpful. We value your feedback!